Friday, April 20, 2012

Hello World

Why do I want to bear my heart and soul to a bunch of strangers (and the friends I force to read it) on the Internet?  I could lie, and say I have intimacy issues or that my parents never hugged me, but I don’t see the need.  The truth is I love to write, and all my little blurbs that are on napkins or scraps of paper are going to waste.  Besides, why does anyone really write a Blog anyway?  I just hope to make you laugh, occasionally cry, and keep you coming back for more.  

That being said, I guess you should know a little about me.  My name is Harper Waverly, I am 24 years-old and rapidly approaching my quarter-of-a-century mark.  YIKES!  I am a Southern transplant living in our Nation’s Capitol, Washington, D.C.  I am a curvaceous blonde who hates diets but am always on one.  I believe that there are 2 things that get you most places in life: big blue eyes and Southern charm.  

I have a disaster of a love life that I am sure you will hear about all too frequently.  I am living my dream, working in the field I studied.  Too bad someone didn’t tell me that my dream involved answering phones and dealing with other peoples crazy ass-shit!  Life lesson learned: nothing ever lives up to your expectations (except maybe cake).  

Despite my shitty job and lackluster love life, I have an amazing group of friends!  I mean, these girls are the kind of friends that you wait a lifetime for.  We are from all over the country, different political parties, and all have something very unique about us.  We may be slightly codependent, but I don’t see it as an issue.  It’s certainly not strange to have a constant conversation with 8 of your best friends on gmail, right?  Maybe 200+ emails a day is excessive, but what we all have for lunch each day is important!  It's part of what makes us work.  

So that is me in a nutshell.  I am excited for the fun to begin!  Keep logging on and reading about my misadventures and crazy views. 

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