Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Lucy Kitten Adventures

So far 2017 has already held its fair share of life-changing moments, many of which I wish had never happened, but there is one that has changed my life for the better.  In March I adopted a kitten!  Her name is Lucy and she has become my everything.  

I have always loved animals.  Growing up we had dogs, cats, and a rabbit..  My mother even has a story about me trying to smuggle kittens from a family friend's house in the front pockets of my dress when I was about 3 years old.  Living in the city I always knew I would eventually want to get a cat.  As much as I love dogs, I am not going to wake up at 6am to walk it when it is snowing or raining or Saturday.  When I found my current apartment last February, being cat-friendly was a must.  

After waiting a year so that I was comfortable in my place, and finally at a job where I plan on staying for a while, it was time to bring a cute little furball into my life. I started to get lost on adoption sites like Petfinder.  I convinced Chloe to be my cat whisperer and to take me to pick a kitten out from Petsmart.  About a week before our scheduled trip, I was looking at an adoption site, and there she was.  The cutest kitten that I had ever seen.  I said out loud this is white and tabby-patched girl with big eyes is my cat!  I quickly emailed an application in to see if she was still available.  One week later Chloe and Betsy were driving me to pick up Gracie Lou up from her foster home.  I loved her immediately and renamed her Lucy.  


The day before I picked up Lucy was one of the hardest days of my life.  I found out about my father's affair.  It was the day that forever changed my family.  I couldn’t have gotten my furry source of unconditional love at a more opportune time.  From the first time she crawled in my lap the first night, she was my furbaby and I was her mom, and we were in this together from that moment forward.  This is when you can insert all your crazy cat lady joke if you must.  

I have embraced the cat lady lifestyle fully.  I show my coworkers cat pictures, make the cat sitter send me pictures when I am traveling, and have canceled plans because I would rather drink wine at home with my cat.  My boss likes to remind me that I have eliminated 20% of the male dating population by getting a cat.  I have even created her own Instagram page (@luckykittenadventures).  #fullcatladylife


Sidebar: Why with people who are obsessed with their dogs they aren’t a crazy dog lady, but the moment someone gets a cat people tell her she is a crazy cat lady and will probably die alone?!?  It is just rude!

Truly, Lucy has been one of the only lights in a very dark and emotional time in my life.  I have cried in her fur more than I will ever admit.  She knows when I am upset and tries to comfort me.  Choosing to adopt her at that exact moment in my life was serendipitous.  The universe knew she needed a home and that I was going to need her.  Thank you universe, for bringing me the most adorable, silly, loving furball I ever could have asked for.  


* To Learn More about adopting a cat or dog of your own in the DC/ Maryland/Virginia area visit Lucky Dog Animal Rescue.

1 comment:

  1. First of all your cat is so adorable. I also love pets and have some special attraction to kittens and puppies I mean c'mon they are the cutest thing on planet! And I do think a pet can be the best company when you are going through a bad time, they always understand.

    Love your post keep on writing:)
