Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Nashville Love

This week, I find myself listening to my favorite Nashville groups and missing my second favorite city.  If I didn’t live in DC, Nashville would be home.  I miss the creativity, but most importantly, I miss my best friend BethAnn!  BethAnn and I met in college, and it was like taking a big breath of fresh air.  We lived together in the sorority house our sophomore year, and she is the only person I was able to share a room with without going crazy.  She was supportive when I was in therapy for depression, and didn’t laugh when I started my sentences with “my therapist said”.   When I cried over a boy who I thought I was meant to spend the rest of my life with, she didn’t tell me I was wrong, just that it would work out if it was meant to be.  It wasn’t.  He is now married to a much skinnier girl that looks just a little bit like me, but that is another story.  

At the end of our sophomore year, BethAnn made a trip to Nashville with her family and fell in love.  I don’t blame her - Nashville is one hell of a city.  It was a time when she couldn’t decide what she wanted to do with her life, and thought about changing her major every other week.  When she decided to transfer to Belmont in Nashville, my heart broke a little bit.  I knew she had found what makes her tick, but I didn’t want to lose BethAnn.  Luckily we are kindred spirits who will always be close no matter the distance.  

It was my precious BethAnn that tempted me to Nashville, and the city itself that captivated me.  It’s a city that grips you by the soul and never lets go.  The talent at every turn is almost overwhelming.  On my many trips to my city of soul and mecca of creativity, BethAnn introduced me to some of my favorite musicians - some of whom you probably have never heard.  Once you have, you will want to tell everyone about them!  

1) Florida Georgia Line: This duo will keep you coming back for more with their high energy country music.  I first saw them perform in a writer's showcase close to 4 years ago.  Ever since, I have not been able to get songs like “Backwoods Beauty Queen” out of my head.  Not only are Brian and Tyler amazingly talented, they are really down-to-earth Southern boys.  I have crashed on their couch, walked around music row after a night at Tin Roof, and listened to them jam out in their living room.  Don’t just take my word for it.  Check out their music on iTunes or on their website.

2) KingBilly: I am actually the one that introduced BethAnn to this band.  They played a country music festival in my hometown back in the summer of 2009, and I was immediately hooked.  This group of guys can rock your socks off with their country/classic rock fusion.  Then, the smooth voice of hottie lead singer Donny Fallgatter will melt more than just your heart.  I also had the pleasure of kicking back a few bourbon-and-gingers with this crew, and they are as cool as they are diverse.  You can take a listen at or get their EP on iTunes.  (Donny also has a few songs of his own

3) Elenowen: You may have seen this duo perform on the 1st season of NBC’s The Voice.  This married couple has a finger directly on my heartstrings.  I spent my 23rd birthday in Nashville with BethAnn, and one of my gifts was Elenowen’s CD.  The next day, we went to one of their shows, and their harmonies brought tears to my eyes  Their music became a part of my everyday life.  When they made it on The Voice ,I was ecstatic.  Then Blake Shelton let them go in the second round, and I was mad at him for as long as anyone can be mad at Blake Shelton.  They have a new EP out that can be found on iTunes.

So, share the music, and if you have never been to Nashville ,make the time!  Music is a direct link to the soul.  It’s music that inspires me to write, to bare my soul (to the few of you that read my blog, thank you!), and maybe even embarrass myself from time to time.  God did not bless with me with musical abilities - karaoke proves that every week, but he did bless me with a true appreciation for music.  Thank you to the talented people in this world that share their gifts with the rest of us. 

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